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Sweet Jesus

Well, it's May all of a sudden, and I'm almost out of high school forever! This is a very exciting occasion for me! After four torturous years of sitting around under mind-numbing fluorescent lights, I finally get to go out into the real world and do stuff!On that note, I'm going to college at Ft. Lewis College in Durango. Great, I know, and it's for their biking programme. Biking is so awesome. Everyone who's anyone rides a bike, clearly. 
In other slightly more important but less photogenic news, about three weeks ago I sprained my ankle. Instead of doing something cool, I was walking down the stairs at my school when I stepped wrong. Clearly the stairs were poorly designed and I plan to sue the school for shoddy craftsmanship and using all the money they SHOULD use on correct stair construction for a turf field. 
Now don't get me wrong, the turf Field is pretty cool! But living in Steamboat we get a lot of snow, and also living in Steamboat, we have a lot of sports teams. Since both of those things are true, we need to practice on the field when there's still snow on the field. I always thought that us Steamboatians were hardcore enough to just grin and bear it and run around on the snow-covered field like crazy people, but I was wrong. Of course I was. Instead, we have to plow the field. If your school has a field or if you've ever been on one, you know there's lots of little tiny ground-up tyres all over the field in the form of little tiny rubber pellets about the size of six or seven grains of sand. When the field is plowed, which it often is, the little rubber pellets get in the snow, and now there's a big ol' pile of rubber next to the field where the snow was plowed and on the field there aren't any little pellets. There's probably a machine to re-disperse the pellets, but we don't have one. We're too cheap.
Also in modern news, I got my wisdom teeth removed! It's not as fun as it sounds. Immediately after the surgery I couldn't feel my face, and I was thinking "I would rather be in pain than be totally numb." Then the numb-ness went away, and i suddenly realized "No I lied. I'd much rather be numb." But there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. Then i missed some school and a lot of riding and sat around the house watching Stanly Kubrick movies in a semi-catatonic state on my couch while eating ice cream. Now it's day seven after my surgery and only now am I able to eat solid food. For the past six days I've been eating ice cream and smoothies and milkshakes and other fluids. I guess I should've said drinking. So it goes. Tomorrow I get to go back to the doctor for a follow up, and maybe they'll give me something that helps me chew food! Right now I have to use my front teeth for everything. My molars are all tender and useless currently, so even though I CAN eat solid food, it's a horrendous pain in the ass. The End! Oh wait, there's no pictures in this one. We can't have that! So here's one to entertain you:
Who want's to ride? This guy does.
Alright. NOW The End!



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